apparently some guys that have been hiding in the shodows got pissed off at me for having kurumu as more than a friend, so these six dudes challenged me I accepted and managed to k.o. five of the bastards before their leader -a five-tailed wolf lycan- blind-sided me and knocked me to the floor I was dazed and helpless, I managed to use my blades to slice of three of his tails(don't worry they'll grow back) and he raked his claws up my stomach, then I 'ported the hell out of there as fast as I could to the nurses office made her shit her pants, and she bandaged me up then this really cute ice wolf(yuki onna/ lycan) girl walked in and she had lost an arm, the nurse said she couldn't do anything about it so I said i'd try the girl laughed in my face but moved the stump over to me. 3 mins. later she had an arm that looked exatly like the one on the opposite side, fully fuctional and every thing -it's real not mechanical- she looked at me with astonishment, love, hate, surprise, and wolfishness all at once and hugged me for no particular reson. After I got out of there ran into Kurumu and guess what happened next.
you came and woke up/
lycanid (Updated )
no, no I did not, stryker slashed me 'cross the back and yelled thats what you get you lycaniklaw(lycanid klaw), woke up just before justin poured hot moon water on me jumped out of bed and dove into the closet.